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Since the habitants of Planet Glaanus come from Earth, the religions have remained the same. The relgions are the following:

  • Christianity - 24%

  • Hinduism - 15%

  • Buddhism - 6%

  • Islam - 5%

The religions are practiced all over the Union Clan (unison of the 4 clans) and not ethnical nor religious problems have occurred since the first generation of the population of Planet Glaanus. Mutual respect has taken place, something that wasn't seen back in Planet Earth. 


This religions cover only around 50% of the religions because another new religion has raised: Zixanism. Zixanism was created by the dictator of the Genesis Clan, Zixane, whose religion covers almost half of the whole planet. His religion consists of praying to him 3 times a day, paying offerings, and attending to his own church every Friday in the afternoon. He promises to give eternal riches, wealth, and life to every single of his followers. Knowing he isn't eternal himself, he has set a list of his heirs who will take over his religion when he dies. He has made it mandatory that every person who lives in a region that is under his control to practice his religion or he/she will be decapitated, having their whole family witness it. 


In the recent years, protests have raised, but Zixane and his followers have ended every protest with massacres and killings. Zixanism doesn't respect any other religion, and says that the true practice for eternal life is his, so he obligates his "people" to practice his beliefs.

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